Frauds and scams | Fieldfisher
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Frauds and scams

Please be aware that in order to perpetrate a scam or fraud, criminals may pose as someone from Fieldfisher or Heatons (with whom Fieldfisher LLP merged in April 2014) or Hill Hofstetter (with whom Fieldfisher LLP merged in November 2016). Usually these scams or frauds are carried out by fake emails suggesting you may receive a financial benefit. The emails often also contain links to supposedly relevant websites. To be effective the scam or fraud requires you to enter into communication with the fraudster, either by responding to the email or clicking the attached link. If you receive an email of this nature do not correspond with the sender. It is highly unlikely that it originates from Fieldfisher.

If you are advised that we have changed Fieldfisher banking details other than by phone from a fee earner you recognise, asked for money or your bank details please contact us immediately at We report scams that may constitute crimes to the Metropolitan Police and the National Crime Agency and to our regulators, the Solicitors Regulation Authority.