Join us to discuss: The Future of Public Procurement in the UK | Fieldfisher
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With the Procurement Bill making its passage through Parliament, please join us for a seminar that will consider what the Bill will mean for public procurement in the UK.

  1. What will change and what will stay the same?
  2. How will it impact suppliers to Government?
  3. What will authorities and utilities need to – or be able to - do differently when conducting procurements?

Experts from Fieldfisher's Public Procurement Practice Group will help you to answer these questions, considering topics including:

  • The principles and objectives of the new regime
  • How procurement procedures and practice might change 
  • New, tougher rules on supplier exclusion and debarment 
  • More flexible forms of frameworks and dynamic markets
  • Changes to the rules on transparency and notices
  • The new regime on remedies and challenges

To register for this event, please click the register button. We hope to see you there!