Debunking EU Data Protection Reform | Fieldfisher
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Debunking EU Data Protection Reform

Leonie Power
Europe's proposed General Data Protection Regulation remains subject to some significant negotiation and is unlikely to come into force until 2017 – 2018.

Europe's proposed General Data Protection Regulation remains subject to some significant negotiation and is unlikely to come into force until 2017 – 2018.  Any business using personal data should start considering the future rules and what they are likely to mean in practice, not least as there are potentially some significant changes.  The overall intent is to update the existing laws and to introduce greater harmonisation across EU Members States.  As you would expect, the Fieldfisher Privacy, Security and Information team is monitoring the progress of the legislative changes.  Whilst we are cautious about recommending any significant preparatory steps until the exact make-up of the final rules is better understood (hopefully during the early part of 2016), businesses should be aware of the potential impact of the proposed Regulation.

Click here for our "infographic" on debunking EU Data Protection Reform.  We have set out 10 things that we think that you should know and will be running a blog series over the next weeks and months dealing with each of these areas in further detail.

Look out for our first blog by my colleague Phil Lee next week: "The pool of data which is potentially personal gets deeper".

As John F. Kennedy put it: "Change is the law of life.  And those who only look to the past or present are certain to miss the future."