ECHA will start publishing more information on chemical substances | Fieldfisher
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ECHA will start publishing more information on chemical substances



ECHA will start publishing more information on chemical substances

EU Regulatory Bulletin contents

  • BPR Adopted
  • Pesticides Update
  • ECHA & Information disclosure
  • REACH scope review
  • BPA Developments
  • Antitrust Manual
  • Events


ECHA has announced that it will release a new version of IUCLID 5 in late May 2012 as well as a new version of REACH-IT later during the summer and that it will start publishing more information on chemical substances.


The new IUCLID version will include additional sections in order to report key information currently included in the CSR in a more structured manner and to facilitate the publication of certain information contained in the SDS. The information included in the SDS which will be published by ECHA includes the name of the registrant, the registration number and the outcome of the PBT assessment, unless successfully claimed as confidential.

This will affect registrants who will submit a registration dossier or an update after the release of the new REACH-IT (expected in July 2012), but the other registrants who already submitted a dossier previously as well since they will be invited to review their dossier and add the relevant confidentiality claims. They will have a period of time of 2-3 months to resubmit their dossier, after which ECHA will update
the Dissemination pages of registered substances on its website to include the SDS information that has not been claimed confidential (or for which confidentiality was not adequately justified). For substances not requiring a SDS, the registrant name and registration number will be disseminated if this information is not claimed confidential in the IUCLID dossier.

ECHA has published a Q&A document in order to inform stakeholders and national authorities in advance about the impact and the main effects of the future release of IUCLID 5.4.

Tonnage Bands

Additionally, ECHA has also announced that it will publish total tonnage bands for registered substances during June 2012.

According to ECHA, the tonnage figures will be extracted from the latest disseminated dossier of each full registration (except for intermediates), aggregated, converted to a total tonnage band, and published on ECHA's dissemination its registered substances database.

The total tonnage bands will be published for joint submissions and for individual submissions. It will not be published for intermediate registrations or for registrations where the tonnage band was claimed to be confidential, except if the tonnage data is aggregated from at least four registrants in a joint submission since, according to ECHA, it will not reveal the individual tonnage of a specific registrant.

In case registrants did not claim their tonnage band confidential, they should submit an updated dossier with a confidentiality claim on the tonnage band as soon as possible.

For more information, please contact us.

ECHA Press Releases:

Q&A document: