TFL plan to spend £1 billion over next ten years on cycle saftey | Fieldfisher
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TFL plan to spend £1 billion over next ten years on cycle saftey

Boris Johnson plans to treble spending on cycling infrastructure to almost £1 billion over the next decade in an effort to make London's roads safer for cyclists, reducing the number of cycle accident claims. The details of the investment are due to be published tomorrow and voted on by the TfL board on December 12th.

The plans are expected to include a cycle corridor running from east to west, and a network of cycle routes through central London. The Mayor wants to spend another £640 million on cycling in addition to £273 million previously set out in TfL’s ten-year plan. The £913 million budget is based on government grants and fares staying flat and continued efficiency savings of 2.5 per cent.

This would see cycle initiatives continue to use around 2% of TfL's budget, with potential for this to increase if the number of cyclists continue to increase.

Jenny Buchanan, personal injury solicitor and cycle accident claims specialist commented:  "The additional money being spent on cycle initiatives in London is great news. The number of cycle accidents unfortunately continues to rise, and while this can partially be explained by the increased numbers of road users, the statistics almost certainly  reflect  the dangers faced by cyclists on London roads and  the saturated cycle network that is in desperate need of regeneration. TfL will need to ensure that the money is invested properly, in new cycle lanes, cycle campaigns, road signs and by redesigning junctions. This will hopefully go some way to reducing the number of cycle accidents on London's roads".

If you have had a cycle accident and would like to enquire about making a claim, contact Jenny Buchanan on 0330 460 6774 or email