Court fees set to increase by 600% | Fieldfisher
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Court fees set to increase by 600%

The Government announced in a written statement earlier this year that they were going to increase court fees for money claims worth more than £10,000 so that they would be 5% of the sum claimed, with a cap of £10,000. It has been calculated by the Civil Justice Council that a claim worth £200,000 will cost at least 6 times more in court fees than what it would currently cost under if these proposals were to be implemented. The Government undertook a short consultation exercise which started in December with the deadline for responses in late January.

Even though the majority of responses to the consultation were against the rise in fees, the Government is still trying to push through the reforms. We understand that the Law Society has ordered a judicial review challenging the decision to increase court fess in this way, claiming that the Government has not justified with evidence why these increases are necessary.

In response to government's proposals to increase court fees:

Peter Williams, Fieldfisher Personal Injury Partner, said: "The government is proposing to increase court fees by 600%. Under these proposals it will now cost £10,000 in court fees just to issue most of our client's claims at court."

Fieldfisher's response on behalf of its clients sent to the Ministry of Justice today, added:

"These massive increases in fees cannot be justified. Access to justice for injured victims of personal injury and medical negligence will be denied through the imposition of extortionate court fees. Our clients deserve a voice in opposing them."

The proposals are being debated in the House of Lords next week.