Former Engineer dies following fatal exposure to asbestos lagging | Fieldfisher
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Former Engineer dies following fatal exposure to asbestos lagging

Caroline Pinfold has recovered compensation for the family of a former engineer who died from mesothelioma. MK was a very knowledgeable engineer and in later life became a technical author. He spent most of his career as an engineer in the Merchant Navy and also worked as chief engineer for Shoreham Harbour Trustees, where he was exposed to asbestos.

He worked at Shoreham on a steam driven dredger and was especially exposed to asbestos when replacing the asbestos packing around the boiler. There was also asbestos lagging on various steam pipes. This was “open” lagging that was not covered with any protective layer.

Mr MK was born in July 1931 and until March 2011 had no serious health problems whatsoever. He became severely breathless and was diagnosed with mesothelioma shortly after that. Sadly he passed away as a result of this in August 2011. His daughter and granddaughter cared for him during his last illness before he was admitted to St Barnabas Hospice. The cost of the hospice care was recovered as part of the compensation by the family.

Before he contracted mesothelioma he was very active, cycling regularly, and would carry out DIY work at home and for members of his family. He was very skilful at restoring and repairing a wide variety of things. His son unfortunately had a partial amputation of his right leg, and as a result of complications had over 100 operations and 13 amputations on the same leg. His son lives an independent adult life but Mr MK used to help him a great deal and they shared many interests. He used to take his son to many hospital appointments and on outings in addition to doing work in his home and garden. His son has completed the book on steam road coaches that his father was working on when he became ill with mesothelioma. It should be published next year. The previous books were on technical matters including steam wagons, Russian cars, American traction engines, steam aircraft, and beam engines.

Giving praise to Caroline Pinfold, the client said:

"Caroline has been so kind and very helpful over a period of great distress and unhappiness. Her service has been very professional, concluding with satisfactory resolution. Needless to say, that I would much rather have my father alive but the money has really helped my mother, who died in November 2013, my brother and me to come to terms with his loss. I would have no hesitation to recommend Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP to anyone suffering with mesothelioma.

Again, I really do wish to thank you. As I have said, you have made a very distressing issue run smoothly and stress free.  Leaving us free to work through our grief, not only for our father, but our mother too"