Family of electrician diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma recover damages | Fieldfisher
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Case Study

Family of electrician diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma recover damages

Brian Cox worked for a large electrical company, Lighting Maintenance Ltd, between 1969 to tax year 1971/2 and cut asbestos panelling to trace electrical cabling during re-fits to Mothercare stores.

He sadly contracted the asbestos cancer of mesothelioma and died in 2008. The company had ceased to exist but Peter Williams, managed to trace insurers from August 1971. The insurers alleged that he was not employed by the company during their period of employer’s liability insurance.

Disclosure of the full employment record was sought from Inland Revenue and this showed that he must have worked for the company at least up to March 1972. The pathologist at post mortem had incorrectly thought Mr Cox died from pancreatic cancer. We were able to obtain an independent pathologist report to prove the cause of death was peritoneal mesothelioma - a particularly virulent form of the disease.

The case was settled without the necessity of court proceedings on behalf of Mr Cox’s widow for £245,000 damages. Brian's brother John says:

"Brian would have been pleased at the end result, because he would have, like your firm, fought for the right result. We all have, and will continue, to recommend you to others”.