Claim for mesothelioma widow | Fieldfisher
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Case Study

Claim for mesothelioma widow

We recovered £332,000 damages for the widow of a gentleman who died from mesothelioma.

Our mesothelioma compensation team pursued a claim for MP, who's husband A died from mesothelioma.

She took the claim against the CEGB who exposed A to asbestos when he worked in various power stations. 

This included Brighton Power Station in Sussex as a trainer, training riggers to drive forklift trucks and other machinery from 1980 to 1992.

At the end of the case, A's wife, MP said:

"Thank you so much for all your hard work in dealing with our case, I know you have fought to get every penny you could for A and reaching the good compensation you have.

"Although sadly it won't bring him back, he would have been pleased with the outcome for my sake.  

"The caring and sensitive way you have been to me since he died took all the worry about the claim from me, and made me feel secure in your hands. Thank you."