£1.6million settlement for birth injuries at Hillingdon Hospital | Fieldfisher
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Case Study

£1.6million settlement for birth injuries at Hillingdon Hospital

We recovered £1.6 million compensation in a birth injury claim for Brett who suffered brain damage during his birth because of a failure of the midwifery staff to recognise fetal distress. The compensation will provide for Brett's education, care, rehabilitation and housing needs ensuring that he receives the best possible treatment for his condition.

During Brett's delivery at Hillingdon Hospital, midwifery staff failed to recognise signs of fetal distress on the CTG (fetal heart monitor) three and a half hours before birth.

As a result, Brett's brain was starved of oxygen and he suffered catastrophic brain damage. He now suffers from profound intellectual impairment, although his motor skills are not affected. Although he now attends a special needs education school, he is by far the most physically able of the children at the school.

We were instructed to pursue a birth injury claim for Brett by his parents because they were unhappy with their previous solicitors.

We alleged that there was negligence by the midwifery staff in failing to recognise signs of fetal distress on the CTG some three and a half hours before birth. 

Our evidence indicated that if a consultant obstetrician had been called and Brett was delivered one hour 45 minutes earlier, he would not have suffered any brain damage.

After years of denial to the previous solicitors, the Health Authority in its defence accepted negligence, but not causation.

The case was fixed for trial but settled a few days before in the sum of £1.6 million. The defendant also agreed to pay all of Brett's legal costs.

Contact us

For further information about birth injury claims and medical negligence claims, please call Paul McNeil on 0330 460 6804 or email paul.mcneil@fieldfisher.com.


All enquiries are completely free of charge and we will investigate all funding options for you including no win, no fee.